About Outdoor Secrets Unwrapped

Our Host – Chris Bates:
Since 1980, Chris Bates has been immersed in the outdoor lifestyle. Starting as a water-fowler, he honed skills in waterfowl calling and upland bird dog training, leading to numerous championships with his German Shorthair and Wirehair Pointers. Chris’s journey through the outdoors includes:

  • Opening a game farm and hunt club, becoming one of the largest breeders of Bobwhite Quail in Northern Illinois.
  • Winning the 1989 Pheasant Championships and consistently ranking in the top 10 in Midwest tournaments from 1989 to 2009.
  • He transitioned from professional hunting to media, beginning with radio in 1989 and later television, where he has been a host since 1999.

The Show:
“Outdoor Secrets Unwrapped” is more than just a TV show; it’s a comprehensive outdoor experience:

  • Content: We cover it all – from hunting and fishing techniques to dog training, outdoor cooking, and interviews with top professionals and manufacturers in the industry.
  • Philosophy: Our mission is to educate and entertain, catering to both seasoned outdoor enthusiasts and beginners, and transforming the way outdoor programs are presented.
  • Availability: You can catch our show on Comcast Channel 1075 in New England, Gen7 Outdoors, Roku, Amazon Fire Stick, and My724Outdoors.
  • Our Offerings:
    Custom Trout Fishing Trips: Specializing in novice to expert anglers, we ensure you experience the thrill of catching Brook, Brown, and Rainbow Trout.
  • Merchandise: Check out our exclusive outdoor gear and our unique hot sauce line, perfect for any outdoor cookout.

Chris Bates Today:
From his beginnings in Illinois to now in Bennington, Vermont, Chris continues to write for various outdoor publications and has been recognized as one of the top small stream trout guides in New England. His passion for the outdoors has evolved into a media empire that seeks to connect with and educate the outdoor community.

Join us on this incredible journey, where every episode is an adventure waiting to be unwrapped.